Event Title
1st International Conference on Innovation in Chemical Engineering and Technology 2021 (ICICET 2021)
14 Sep 2021 - 15 Sep 2021
Everly Hotel, Putrajaya
Event Summary
1st International Conference on Innovation in Chemical Engineering and Technology (ICICET) 2021 is organized by the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia with an aim to bring together leading experts, scientists, educators and researchers from all over the globe under one room to share their important works in all aspects of engineering (especially chemical), technology and innovation. ICICET 2021 conference theme is ‘Adapting Sustainable Innovation in Chemical Engineering for Addressing a Global Crisis’. The selected theme reflects the current trends of changing culture in most work sector and how society adapt to the crisis that is inevitable. Specifically, how academia, scientist, researchers and industries adapt, innovate and stay productive amidst the COVID-19 pandemic that the worlds currently experiencing.
ICICET 2021 programme will address a wide breadth of contemporary science and engineering areas including, but not limited to chemical sciences, environmental sciences, materials sciences, physical sciences, applied sciences and technologies and education among others. Scope and topic of interest for submission include, but not limited to:
1) Sustainable and Green Process
2) Environmental Engineering
3) Industrial Reliability
4) Process Safety
5) Biochemical Engineering
6) Materials Science and Engineering
7) Renewable Materials
8) Energy
9) Engineering Education
10) Industrial Revolution 4.0

Updated:: 04/03/2021 [hairul_nizam]